Day 157 - today is a '1 more notch over' day ;) This type of happy mornings when you put on your jeans, fasten the belt only to see that it fits a bit loose and you need another hole - hurray, your waist/hips have gotten thinner!! LOL
While my Granny keeps gaining weight I seem to shed it, little by little; she saw me wearing a light top and, looking at my breast, wondered what cup size bra I wore. Huh, I explained without confusion, like I wear it! I hate this garment and besides, do you think I need it with breasts this small? We laughed at it ;)
Bought 3 big boxes of vegetable salad, and feeling satisfied, knowing this huge amount of healthy food will save me from hunger through the weekend, which is a whole lot better than stuffing myself with pasta and sandwiches. Yup, I feel proud ;)
While my Granny keeps gaining weight I seem to shed it, little by little; she saw me wearing a light top and, looking at my breast, wondered what cup size bra I wore. Huh, I explained without confusion, like I wear it! I hate this garment and besides, do you think I need it with breasts this small? We laughed at it ;)
Bought 3 big boxes of vegetable salad, and feeling satisfied, knowing this huge amount of healthy food will save me from hunger through the weekend, which is a whole lot better than stuffing myself with pasta and sandwiches. Yup, I feel proud ;)