
Today, luckily, is relatively quiet at work. I'm by myself in an ample room, with a cup of green tea and dates, and, having printed NY Times June Top Bestsellers' list, I'm picking a book to read.
'Daddy'  by T. Solomatina, which I misfortuned to print out last month, made me so sick I feel like throwing it into trash. It's nasty, vulgar, and worthless. I barely struggled through the first third of it.

S/O is on vacation for another week, and as I'm typing this and drinking tea, I'm already dreaming of our river-tram ride arranged at the end of the month; and the coming weekend will most likely be spent home, in the company of philadelphia rolls and other jap food yum-yums ;)

P.S. I picked 'The Psychopath Test' by J. Ronson for reading. Has anyone read it yet? Amazon Books' reviews assure it's light, occasionally humorous, occasionaly poignant, but interesting and provocative. Well at least it's not another Nora Roberts' bestseller.