Useful Weight loss Tips

Useful Weight loss Tips - taken from somewhere on the Internet)If you’ve hit that “plateau” with your weight, or you’re looking to lose weight fast, then try doing this:
Eat 1 hour after you wake up
Eat your biggest meal in the beginning of the day, breakfast is important, because it’s what gets your metabolism running
Eat every 3 hours, but only eat meals that are the size of your fist (since you are eating so frequently make sure it’s NO bigger then your fist)
Do not eat after 6PM Eat ONLY natural, unprocessed foods
Drink ONLY water, and drink lots of it throughout the day
Exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes daily, and make sure you switch up your exercise routine or else you WILL hit/stay at a plateau.
Try to exercise whenever you can (for example, wake up early and just do 5 pushups), whatever you can get in counts, it really does
Push yourself when you workout (remember you’re trying to get that fat off of you, so work your hardest), really sweat and don’t stop moving
Keep a food journal, and of course count those calories
Do NOT eat cheese, it’s high in calories and fatty
Vary calorie intake
Try doing some strength training (lifting weights)
Eat around the same time everyday
Plan your next day’s food the day beforehand, this way you know what and how much you are eating

EXERCISING TIPS: Pushups, crunches and jumping jacks are great and fast. If you do exercise in the morning stretch before or you can pull a muscle, and then you won’t be able to work out for weeks >:[ it’s true, so make sure you stretch! I would also recommend working out before you do homework or something, rather then right before bed, because exercise gets your blood flowing and your heart rate up, so it will be hard to fall asleep, even if you just exercised for a little. Also, it’s not good to go to sleep right after working out, it’s better to keep moving a little, so you can clean after or something. :]
These tips can apply to anyone out there, whether you have an ED or if you are just looking for a healthy lifestyle. These tips do NOT require you to follow by any sort of calorie intake, but just make sure you do NOT go over your daily recommended value.
Useful Weight loss Tips