Day 125 - hipbones and collarbones hiding under an extra layer of fat. Grrr. No it's not my pessimistic approach, it's stating of facts. They begin to disappear. I hate my thighs again. And weight fluctuation from 47 to almost 50 within a day. The scale psychosis, I know I know, I cannot help it ;(
I'm still depressed because of my sickness and inability to go out and shake the fat, and this damn freezing cold I'm not used to and plain staying home in front of the tv wanting to snack again and again. Ah! So disappointed! I barely resisted a self-made cake with raisin and prune, fancy that! No, these February days are definitely not the best. But to sweeten up the pill, I went to buy new winter shoes, ending up with not one but 3 pairs! 0.o I'm not a boots-fan, FYN. But the event improved my mood no doubt ;)
I'm still depressed because of my sickness and inability to go out and shake the fat, and this damn freezing cold I'm not used to and plain staying home in front of the tv wanting to snack again and again. Ah! So disappointed! I barely resisted a self-made cake with raisin and prune, fancy that! No, these February days are definitely not the best. But to sweeten up the pill, I went to buy new winter shoes, ending up with not one but 3 pairs! 0.o I'm not a boots-fan, FYN. But the event improved my mood no doubt ;)