New Year's celebration
The New Year night's celebration with s/o passed quiet, calm, without even watching any traditional entertainment shows or old comedies on TV, not that it was this bad. And even the next day went alright as we managed to stay on peaceful terms. But later... well, read further to check out.The gifts, hopefully, did not disappoint those who I gave them: family and grannies seem pleased. As for my own present for myself, I'll make another post with pictures where you'll see it. Same goes with the pictures of my outfits and recipes of multiple dishes I cooked, which, surprisingly, turned out edible ;))
My romantic mood
I cannot look without trepidation at these pictures found on Pinterest, because they absolutely reflect my mood. Yes I'm in a romantic mood, and I so crave romantic stuff in my life: beautiful dates, bouquets of flowers, whispers in my ear before sleep, kisses, love-making... natural things that are present in a normal relationship.By my sad tone you can guess these post-New Year days turn out nasty as s/o and I keep fighting and quarreling even worse than usual. Gosh, I'm tired. I want good optimistic-sounding posts full of joy and cheer and light in them, sharing only awesome news so you can feel my happiness and become a tad happier as well. Looks like this is not gonna happen. And I'm dreaming of a wedding... yes, wedding my ass!
First time at the skating rink
Today, s/o and I went to the skating rink. This trip revealed a new side of this person, and this is sure to become a separate post with both details of my first skating experience and my views on him. So far, enjoy the cartoon, a kinda sum-up of me today ;)The shirt I wore on the New Year's night.