Day 60

Day 60 - with sad memories I recall the time when I weighed 49, if only for a few days but how much more optimistic I felt! I just need to pass this border, that’s all. I’ve hit a plateau but I just have to leave 1 kilo behind, then 2, then 3… Workout and harsh diet else there’s no way out of the loop.

But despite the sad beginning I have awesome news!! Went shopping and you know what?! No you won’t believe it! Check for yourself! The tag has ‘XS’ note on it. XS!!!! Wow! And then another tag has ‘hips: 86cm’ measurement and the item is loose for me! I bought pants and shorts in the smallest size they had on sale! Excellent! Great! Amazing! Finally some results from 2 days of no dinner. And in the store, I put on thing after thing saying, ‘Too wide, bring me a smaller one’ and Mom’s comments were, ‘What is it? What’s going on? Look at these thin legs and small waist!!’ So the shopping tour couldn’t pass any better and I’m happy like an unsuspecting kid with a present from Santa ;))