Another Weight loss Meme

Age?: 24
Height?: 5’5”/165cm
Weight?: 104lbs/48kg
Highest Weight?: 61kg
What weight do you want to weigh?: see my UGW
In Depth
How many calories do you eat in a day, on average?: 800
Do you throw up your food on occasion?: never
Do you want to look like a supermodel/actress?: no
Are you in some sort of extracurricular sport, ie soccer or track?: no
Has anyone ever teased you about your weight?: twice or three times, in my childhood mostly
Have you ever fasted? If so, for how long?: no
Do you take laxatives to get rid of food/calories?: no
Are you ‘inspired’ by models/actresses?: no
Body Image Q’s
Do you constantly see yourself as fat, even though others say you are not?: not constantly but often
What part of your body would you change?: hips, thighs, butt, stomach
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your body?: mm, 6 normally, sometimes 4 seeing the ugly muffintop, sometimes 8 when I fit in XS
Do you judge your value/merit solely on your weight/body?: no but it does affect it
Because of your body apperance/weight, have you become severely depressed?: when I weighed 60kg yes, but not anymore as I’m doing everything to slim down and therefore not let depression get to me
Do you constantly compare your bodies to supermodels/actresses?: no
Health/Food Do you think you eat healthy enough?: no
Are you morbidly afraid to eat carbs?: no
Fat grams?: no
Calories?: no, don’t even count them, I just know when it’s time to shut my mouth and stop eating
Are you often tired/fatigued?: no
Do you feel more energized after eating food?: no, but if I haven’t eaten for a whole day, yes
Do you eat meat?: yes
Do you eat your food in a certain way? no
Do people tell you you look sick or famished?: yes
Other Stuff
Do you think the media is at fault for the prevalence of eating disorders?: sometimes
What’s your favourite food to eat?: feta cheese, fried chicken, pasta - anything home-made
Favourite drink?: tea, gin-and-tonic