Day 117 – sure enough, gained confidence is an advantage of being not fat. I feel happier by the day as even at work I now walk faster on high heels, and even wearing warm clothes, I don’t feel overly heavy, different from the time I weighed 60 kilos. I felt ‘odd’, as though carrying a sac behind my back, or bags in my hands, as these unneeded kilograms made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I walked not feeling right, I was shy and self-conscious afraid of free talking with clients - and my job is greet and smile to them. How could I look cheerful and high-spirited when overweight? Gosh, I hated moving about the office, preferring to sit still, I guess I looked so lame and everyone saw it. Thank god now the situation is getting better: I pace with ease, I’m more sincere in expressing emotions, I’ve become more open and talkative not only with colleagues but visitors as well. The bosses’ attitude has changed too, we communicate more and on better terms than 1,5 years ago. Overall, I’m becoming more satisfied with my work. I cannot say I’m growing into a more successful person financially, but morally it is definitely so. Even this is progress in itself.