Day 190 - Weight loss - I Need Meat!

Day 190 - 'The best way to get rid of a temptation is yeild to it', remember this saying by Oscar Wilde? heh, so true! Today, boss supplied us with yet another full bag of pastry, and it is there right on the window sill next to my desk teasing me with a nice smell, mm, so hard to resist. It's been at least 4 times I came up to the pack, unwrapped and checked out what's inside... oh gosh, and every time I wrap it up back, and retreat to my desk sighing. It's all emotional hunger, I tell myself upon biting at a piece of apple however nasty its taste and taking a sip of green tea with cranberry juice added, and then make myself a cup of insta-porridge. Sure I'd rather eat a large piece of meat than this damned apple but I'm on a diet, and so I zip my mouth. That's how it is. I crave meat. This spring moodswings make me want substantial food and not these fruit and vegs I'm fed up of. Just one large piece of red meat and I'm satisfied. Need to cook it once I'm home.
Haha! You've been fooled. This was a monologue of the inner me before I stumbled upon this pic below. Hey, do you need food once your eyes see this? You want this body, not a double burger, right? The water, the tanned and toned body... So to get this awesomesauce you gotta work hard and not eat much. Hurry, I'm telling myself, summertime is not far away, a little more effort and you're at the goal!

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