Day 80 - so here I sit sipping green tea, cup after cup, thinking about how I’d gladly take a bite of that bun or have a snack or eat an apple - but then I think how I want my hips to get smaller and how each odd calorie shall have me farther from the goal. That’s why I keep my mouth shut - just water, water, and green tea. Btw, I have not spoken in favor of my diet so I need to say a few kind words despite its ruthlessness. Although I repeat how tough it is there are indisputable advantages dieting gives you. Not just skipping meals once or twice a week - but crash dieting/fasting, when you stop eating 3 times a day, eating only so much as not to feel hunger pangs. I have come to this decision without anybody pushing me toward it, or whispering behind my back or whatever, I just knew I had to close my mouth and stop eating. Sounds terrifying, I know, but you have to try it, why do you need willpower then? Among the pluses is not only quick weight/cm's-loss but mind-clearing as well. You see, I thought it was only swimming’s effect that I started to view things under slightly different angles, but now I know the diet has much to do with ‘brainwashing’ too. You’ll reconsider things, get fresh ideas, create new POVs and also feel lighter, better. Drinking much water shall sure tell on your organism, and you’ll feel its purifying amazing power. It took me 5 days to see the changes, and if the changes are wonderful, why should I refuse and get back to the wrong unhealthy way of life? Give it a shot, if you’re strong enough you’ll be able to come to this point and feel what I feel, it’s worth it.
Returning to the down-to-earth matters, I just figured out that another my motivation is online stores with swimsuits. I remember I took to ordering clothes online last year but couldn’t get to swimsuits because all the girls in the pictures wear S size. I hope by summer I’ll not only have a perfect body but a couple of trendy colorful swimsuits as well. *starts daydreaming* Also, check out this blog.
Returning to the down-to-earth matters, I just figured out that another my motivation is online stores with swimsuits. I remember I took to ordering clothes online last year but couldn’t get to swimsuits because all the girls in the pictures wear S size. I hope by summer I’ll not only have a perfect body but a couple of trendy colorful swimsuits as well. *starts daydreaming* Also, check out this blog.