Day 85

Day 85 - these days I come back from swimming fatigued, not hopping after the practice nor rushing home, but barely pacing, it’s hard to walk and I feel like I’d left all the strength in the pool, tired for the rest of the day, which must be because I eat little, not giving my body enough energy as I train hard during the workout, yet once home, the measuring tape shows amazing figures - 84cm hips and 60cm waist! At work, I feel so happy when I don’t feel hungry and this week is such, and otherwise, if I feel grumbling and physical need for food I feel bad because I shouldn’t eat but my body requires so. Btw, If you ask me, I have a tiny trick concerning the amount of food I eat at dinner: if next morning I have a swimming practice I can let myself an extra slice of chicken or meat or even a lump of bread, or a candy, or a cookie. If I don’t have to train then you know my harsh regime, and these final days I’m even cutting my dinner, which means no soup as I only eat fruit and drink tea and water.
I totally love this pic! Makes the ‘Unless you want to be the fat friend’ pop into my head at once. I was on the very edge of becoming ‘the fat one’, if you ask me, but said ‘no’ to food just in time, thank god. Soon I will be thin, soon I will be thin, I repeat nonstop. Can’t wait till this day comes! I so want to knock them over wearing midriffs and short shorts and tanktops and tiny dresses and extra small bikinis not worrying about how I will look, knowing I look gorgeous in anything! Just imagine how sexy you too will look in this one day. And I’ll be able to order clothes online, for cheapy-cheap prices, and look more like a teen than a girl in her mid-twenties. Ah! I’m happy just thinking of it! ;)