Day 104 - Weight loss - Off the Plateau at Last

Day 104 - need to lost at least a kilo by the next week as on Saturday we’re having a shopping tour and I’m going to buy a pair of jeans, and what a no-go it will be if I don’t squeeze in size 26. A full breakfast, then a tangerine+pear during the day, then broth for dinner - same drill. No I’m not giving it a break, I have to be on the 47kg point on Friday. Today’s swimming, for a wonder, was all concentration and therefore very effective. Not tired, not hungry although I ate so little before the practice. Need to burn more calories than I consume, which is the key. I feel light and weightless after the practice as I walk to work, cheerful and ready for the day. Never felt this good before, and I realize it’s thanks to my current weight. I’ve finally come off the plateau and feel rather comfortable.