Day 105 - Weight loss - Angry & Hungry

Day 105 - checkup 7, 80x59x84, 47,5 kg, looks like I’m hitting a plateau again… I’m so angry when I’m hungry. And since I don’t eat for the most part of the day I’m pissed all the time. Grrr.
S/O called, and I near yelled at him while we talked as I got more irritated by the minute, in the end I snapped Gbye, hung up, and scowled like a dog. Looks like the less I speak with people these days, the safer. Don’t know how to carry on in this manner for the rest of the month, when I live for breakfasts only, going to sleep dreaming of the next day, of how I’ll wake up and eat something substantial, only to spend the day on green tea and water, and then just broth for dinner, and the cycle repeats… 2 weeks, I’ll go nuts but I have to, there’s no other option, I gotta shed it till next month because whenever I look at myself in the mirror I see nothing but the same fat-swollen figure with ugly belly, thick thighs and icecream cone that’s so unwilling to go away… yea, the cycle repeats, and I’m definitely in the pessimistic mode atm. On before/after pics of girls that weigh 105lbs (which is my present weight) they look so skinny, with not a hint at odd rolls while a completely different reflection glares at me every single day. F*ck! These damn curves, this ugly hourglass shape with its disgusting difference between waistline and hips, argh! I’d warned you I’ve been rly angry recently.