Day 62

Day 62 - so he said I was overdoing it and getting ana, and bad dreams kept chasing me all thru the night, I slept terribly ;(
My past 3 days of super harsh diet: no bread, no sugar, no fat, no pastry - only water, green tea, morsels of healthy food and soup broth - resulted in feeling weightless, which feels amazing.
Read some threads on the ‘frozen scale’ problem. Should’ve done it earlier not to worry this much. The reason for the scale not dropping is gaining muscle which weighs more than fat, so while swimming I replace fat with muscle hence no change of figures; drinking liters of water tells on the weight as well. Some people say they’ve been waiting for months for the scale to drop but even with regular workout and diet the mark stayed the same. What you must rely on, they advise, is measurements. In my case it is true - while centimeters differ weight never alters. Taking pictures of yourself and comparing them with previous shots to note the changes is useful too. As for stepping on the scale, it should be done weekly not daily to avoid the ‘scale psychosis’. I guess my major psychosis will start at the end of the month  - if I don’t come to the UGW, no matter how toned and small my body looks, I’ll be nervous and restless because I’m not at the ‘45 or less’ point.