Daily Ration

I’ve been asked about my daily ration, how much and what exactly I eat, and although I don’t enumerate what my menu consists of, I thought I could make a one-time exception and give you an example of the meals I eat during the day.
Ok, breakfast is the biggest meal, I can eat as much as a piece of white/red meat/fish plus 2-3 spoonfuls of rice/whatever side dish I have, then a cheese sandwich and tea with sugar; the ingredients may vary as sometimes I have porridge, a cookie, and green tea. I don’t eat eggs, yogurt or anything too greasy or containing sugar. Then, brunch/lunch/afternoon tea - all this is not my story, I have nothing during the day while I’m at work. Just green tea and water and a fruit (pear, apple, banana), sometimes a chocolate candy and coffee with sugar and cream, and on those occasions when I’m especially hungry I go buy a small box of vegetable salad. Afterwards, dinner, at which I have soup (I eat any soup, but often avoid meat if it’s added), salad with olive oil, and a few spoonfuls of garnish (vegetables or seafood or grain). If there are a lot of different dishes, I can try all of them but not more than a bite at each. No bread, no gravy, no mayo - I watch what I eat. No dessert either: no icecream, pastry, jam, candies. If it’s a special occasion (say, a holiday) I can allow myself 1-2 bites of cake, but no more. If later in the evening I feel hungry (but it next to never happens) I opt for fresh from-the-fridge vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots) and fruit (pomegranates, grapefruit, tangerines) together with tea and water. I know it’s the ration my organism likes as it’s thankful for the absence of junk or odd sugar or fat. But like any normal person, I sometimes treat myself to crisps, Coke, pizza, chocolate, or insta-soup, hehe. But generally speaking, ‘Know your measure’ is my motto ;)