Day 66

Day 66 - my S/O doesn’t mean to stop adding salt to the bleeding wound, I’m trying to look on the bright side but the realization that what used to be my motivation has turned into the opposite makes me sad.

There is still a big ugly difference between my waist and hips. This is exactly what I don’t like and want to get rid of, for being curvy is what I’ve always hated about myself. I don’t know how to diminish the hip area. Don’t want this striking difference, less curves less curves less curves.

The whole family is on a diet LOL Mom’s on no-dinner regime, Dad joined in as well, even Granny fasts for one day a week. Wow! And I am a good example because when at KFC’s parents wanted to buy something I said, ‘No it’s unhealthy food, no you don’t want to get fat’ it worked! Although Mom was embarrassed before other people in the queue as they heard my words and saw me order nothing but a Coke. Ha! Booya! I think it’s time to make a ‘Do I make you look fat?’ T-shirt, yep high time ;)
