Mechanical Exfoliation. Moving to Spain. Wedding Bouquets Pictures.

Here I'll talk about mechanical face exfoliation plus my views on why moving to Spain Benidorm can be advantageous for me.

Face exfoliation 

So, the mechanical face exfoliation I told you about last time passed pretty well. Of course I hate when other people study my appearance closely but this time it's unavoidable, it's something I have to pass on a regular basis. Besides, I visit a good qualified cosmetologist who I trust and who treats my skin right. The before-facial peelings and other procedures I come through is such a pleasure, like a spa only focused on your face. Creams and liquids smell amazing so no bother here, listening to chilling music with faded lights while masks helping to exfoliate face work their wonder... But then, omg, any facial is a great pain, and mechanical exfoliation is ten times more painful. My poor forehead and cheekbones are obviously the most sensitive areas on my face as they hurt like hell when she removed all the nasty dirt from there. Ugh. God gracious! And this I have to tolerate twice a month! You crazy! I dread to come to the cosmetologist's once a year! Luckily, no needle-using as the procedure of exfoliating face ended with apllying special cream and then I was free! thank god! 
No need to tell you about further skin falling off my face. It's been a week and it still peels off, this is what I dislike about face exfoliation. No cream helps, and using foundation only further 'dries' the skin.
They say, however, that such type of skin treatment lets skin breathe, it's clean and renewed. Maybe. I want to believe it'll at least prevent milia from appearing.

Why I could want to go to Spain 

 Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last
I wish it wasn't so

I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got.

On the one hand, I'm still with R. as we keep fighting and 'working it out', on the other, I have found a new guy who I keep in touch with, the one I told you about in previous entries. We don't really match but it's something new and fresh for me and we talk about marriage, almost for real. He said we'd get married next spring and then buy a mansion with much space to be able to keep a huge dog I want as well as 4 cats he wants LOL Yeah sure dreaming is fun, but waiting till next spring is too tiresome and seems a bit too unrealizable to me because we live far from each other and no one is ready to take next step forward. He's slightly impassive, no, very passive... and I'm dead-certain said step ahead is on me. Fed up of situations when decision-making depends on me. Why are modern guys such f*cking slowpokes?
For this matter, I'll hardly agree to wait till next year's spring. No time to waste, you know, kids are in plans, near-future-plans. This is why I'll undoubtedly agree to come meet up with him unless he does it first. I have already come to visit him once, it's up to him this time.
Meanwhile horoscopes believe our marriage is a good option as we click. I'm very confused as we're so different, but R.'s fiery temper appeals to me more than the oh-so-passive nature of the other guy. I still need to get used to R. before I dare have children from him. But to be the kind of wife he wants me to be, ever mild and consenting in everything, I won't do without cheating, that's for sure - and this is what I so fear. Yeah he treats me like garbage while all my horoscopes say I'm ideal and near saint (it's true!) and should only surround myself with wonderful, kind, respectful, intelligent people to make myself even better and developed, sophisticated.

Pluses of moving to Spain

Here we approach the topic of moving to Spain. Do I want it, even deep down, being sincere with myself? I doubt. Yes it has obvious advantages: I can practice languages, dip in the atmosphere of non-native speaking which is good, change my lifestyle 100 percent, swap this nasty climate for a warmer, nicer weather, with sea, sun, fruit and vegetables. A lot of plus's.
Yet, how about a bigger amount of downsides? Let alone farewell to my family and dear country which I love so dearly it's an unknown place, unemployment, poverty, and life with a man who I want to kill every time we argue. Now tell me, can a woman who wants luxury, grand mansion, loving husband and many many pets say goodbye to these her hopes and dreams in favor of complete otherwise? Is it right? Follow one who she doesn't feel love, care, respect from? Don't be an idiot, I say to myself, God shall give you a proper person... it's just a matter of time. I want to stay on the bright side and hope my total happiness is just round the corner. ;)

Wedding bouquets pictures

 Wedding bouquets pictures

 Wedding bouquets pictures, purple, flowers

 Wedding bouquets pictures, purple, flowers

 Wedding bouquets pictures, purple, flowers

 Wedding bouquets pictures, flowers

 Wedding bouquets pictures, flowers, roses

And finally... how do you find the dress?

wedding dress, fuchsia dress