Day 107 - Weight loss - I can Feel my Bones

Day 107 - first, in my usual habit, in the morning, still half-asleep half-awake and barely reality-conscious, I lie straight on my back in bed, touching my hipbones and ribs (pervert me, I know^^), liking how they stick out and somehow finding them sharper than before, but mm, I enjoy this feeling, after such a long period of time I can feel my skeleton at last (sounds creepy?). Second, practicing like crazy today. Swam so fast my forearms hurt, this is the first time I felt exhausted after one short lap - but I kept moving, hard and fast, and it felt so right, so good, aahh ;)) Slowly, nicely stepped on the scale, happy to see it’s 47, although the number hesitates, but I want to make believe it’s 47 still ;) Third, tried on my famous green jeans which strangely, after swimming, slip on with little effort (but I have to wait for another couple cm’s to melt to be able to wear them without worry). I’m glad I bought such a useful thing (because it’s my motivation!) and for a song - sell-off rules! haha