Day 162 - Weight loss - Avitaminosis Over.

Day 162 - I'll tell you one thing. I just put on my extra small panties (you know, those that have a 'for kids, size 30-32' tag) and not only did I squeeze in alright but they also don't cut into my skin. Is it.. have they somehow widened in thighs or have I shrinked a bit in the same area? Wwweird, because measurement tape doesn't reveal dramatic changes. Also, you remember my beige shorts? When I bought them I thought myself the happiest person 'cuz they had '84cm hips' on the size tag and they fit fine. What now? They've gotten loose, too wide to look good on me, as I pull them up without unbuttoning :(
How interesting: my weight has strangely stopped fluctuating. It used to in a tsunami-like manner. 50 to 48, then 47 and 50 again, then 46, 47, 48, and suddenly 46kg. It's been steady for the past week, luckily, the scale flattering me with '45'. My ratio hasn't altered though: same big breakfast, no food during afternoon except cups and cups of water and tea, then a small dinner at home, and more water and tea afterwards. No hunger - just lightness, weightlessness and good mood, when you have so much energy you want to jump and run and do crazy things and act like a fool, oh what a feeling! you won't know the sensation until you reach this feather-light-like weight ;) Hopefully, avitaminosis or whatever food disorder it was, is over.
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