Day 179 - hehe, being petite sure has its awesome benefits. Say, when in a queue, among ever-grumpy always-shouting old women, I often come out alive, haha They treat me sympathetically, seeing a little silly girl in me and not dare argue or yell (but they do this toward any other middle-aged person in a queue), if anything, they behave softly. Oww, such a nice approach flatters me, of course :)
On a different note, it's April, and not a hint at spring - snowfall all day long, cold wind in a below zero... tired of these 4 months of winter, and this year it's especially unwilling to go away.
Waaahh, I'll treat myself to this 'taste of summer' by looking at the picture :)
On a different note, it's April, and not a hint at spring - snowfall all day long, cold wind in a below zero... tired of these 4 months of winter, and this year it's especially unwilling to go away.
Waaahh, I'll treat myself to this 'taste of summer' by looking at the picture :)