Day 163 - I just came up with another reason why I've stepped on the weightloss track. One day, it was last summer, I went to my fav store with my Mom, and there was a trendy overalls I picked but she held me back, 'It's not for you,' Mom noted. 'It's for skinny, slim girls.' That felt like a knife cut into my heart. At that moment I wished I would drop 15 kilos at once only to be able to try it on and prove her wrong - but I had these odd 15 kilos and left the item wait for a thinner girl to buy it ;(
One this incident was enough to add determination, just one this example, this embarrassment. I decided to do it, to become that skinny, slim one Mom was talking about.
When you're S/XS you can enter ANY store and not feel confused or awkward because you're SURE they have clothes in your size. Just think about this benefit, you're always a winner and likely to go out of a boutique with a buy and a smile, you have so many things to choose from, a whole sea of various garments, anything and everything - it's all yours! You just gotta work for it, the result depends on your persistence, the more purposeful you are, the sooner you'll find yourself at the finish-line, the quicker said sea of various clothes will be at your disposal! ;)
One this incident was enough to add determination, just one this example, this embarrassment. I decided to do it, to become that skinny, slim one Mom was talking about.
When you're S/XS you can enter ANY store and not feel confused or awkward because you're SURE they have clothes in your size. Just think about this benefit, you're always a winner and likely to go out of a boutique with a buy and a smile, you have so many things to choose from, a whole sea of various garments, anything and everything - it's all yours! You just gotta work for it, the result depends on your persistence, the more purposeful you are, the sooner you'll find yourself at the finish-line, the quicker said sea of various clothes will be at your disposal! ;)

The second paragraph of this blog post motivate us a lot to loose the weight.