Day 174 - stepped onto the never-lying electric scale at night fully clothed - 46,9, and in the morning - 45. Good. Today, I'm in an odd mood for soup, namely borsch, dunno why but I'm dreaming of coming home and cooking it; must be because I haven't eaten much for the past 20 hours, mostly liquid.
Not so long ago I started to notice my shoulders started to grow wider, I was so scared you know. I'm aware swimmers usually have broad shoulders but I can't have gotten bigger in only 3 months, can I? I looked in the mirror, both liking and surprized at the image. On the one hand, there I was with a more boyish figure, on the other - um, it felt so weird. But a few days ago it dawned upon me that it must be due to how thinner in bust and hips I've become. I've lost around 10 cm so no wonder shoulders seem broader. Still, it's pretty hard to get used to this change.
Btw, swimming went terrible today, looks like all the energy I was supposed to leave in the pool stays within as I swam sloooowwwly because of too many people around, the sort of herrings-in-a-can pool, duh. Not tired or hungry in the slightest, feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied
Not so long ago I started to notice my shoulders started to grow wider, I was so scared you know. I'm aware swimmers usually have broad shoulders but I can't have gotten bigger in only 3 months, can I? I looked in the mirror, both liking and surprized at the image. On the one hand, there I was with a more boyish figure, on the other - um, it felt so weird. But a few days ago it dawned upon me that it must be due to how thinner in bust and hips I've become. I've lost around 10 cm so no wonder shoulders seem broader. Still, it's pretty hard to get used to this change.
Btw, swimming went terrible today, looks like all the energy I was supposed to leave in the pool stays within as I swam sloooowwwly because of too many people around, the sort of herrings-in-a-can pool, duh. Not tired or hungry in the slightest, feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied