Day 189 - Weight loss - Shopping Therapy.

Day 189 - checkup 13, 78x58x83, 46kg (as I weighed myself in the evening). Should I tell you I feel I'm gaining and getting fat again? ;( gotta be so because I eat a lot at dinner and stopped practicing hard at pool and all that emo crap in my head for the past 2 months.
One good point is how I look in light sundresses - the reflection I see is pretty satisfying; at least no ugly difference between waist and hips I had last year. But enough with sad memories. Ahem. Haven't gone real shopping in a while. About 4 weeks maybe. No great changes to mark them with a shopping tour but still I want some unwinding, and visiting favorite stores would be excellent. Real spring's coming, wardrobe renewal is a must, but even if I don't get anything worthy and cool, shopping is going to be a therapy, because trust me, trying on outfits and liking how you look in them is sure to boost up your mood ;)

Never liked high-waisted or average-waisted pants/jeans/skirts etc, too tired of them as it was the only type I could allow myself, never wearing low-waisted things because of icecream cone, dammit. For that matter, I guess once I get rid of the hateful fat in this area I'll not even look in the direction of average-waisted items, opting for looooow waist.
Yup I wanna brag my body, I'm coming to this time. I gotta pluck up courage and get there by middle spring. Goal weight is 45 whereas 42 is the ultimate goal weight, and, I figure, it's gonna be a much harder point to reach.

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