Come to me, trust in your dream
Come on and rescue me
Muse, 'Madness'
I had a
dream where I was god. Ok, Jesus Christ, to be more exact. Just for you to know, this is not the first time I see a dream like this. I dream such things perhaps once or twice a year, and they are always quite beautiful visions. Imagine being in paradise, seeing all the beauty and peacefulness of this place, all the magnificent colors. Sounds hard to create a fantasy but this is what god-related dreams are like. It's weird feeling yourself as Him, you know, always a bit scary yet natural... I was clad in white robe, and felt like a man, also my walking was rather floating, and the atmosphere around seemed purely heavenly: bright blue sky with stars shining intensely to the point of blinding, like diamonds; I had a sort of mission in my dream, to reach a hanging round golden armchair (I just found alike armchairs at before full moon (WTF?), and I had a hard time achieving this but right at the appointed time got to said golden chair hanging right in the blue sky, and was like, waaah, saved, thank god (thank who? thank myself? LOL). Guess who assisted me all the while in the dream? I called him Pavel, and don't tell me you can't guess. And one last thing, my dream ended when I sat in the chair and recited a poem with final words
'And I will be God'. After waking up I googled for the whole afternoon trying to find who's the author of the poem but there was no matches. I searched and searched all in vain until, exhausted after brain-wrecking, it dawned on me that it was a poem of my own! hahaha I burst out laughing upon remembering that many years ago I composed a poem ending with aforementioned phrase. Can you believe it? My subconsciousness recalled such a long-forgotten poem making it a logical conclusion to the dream. I know how suspicious my story looks but trust me, there is not a word of fiction in what I just told you. More so, it strikes me too and when I woke up and recalled all the details of the vision it was a BIG WTF.
Funny thing, next day after this dream I answered all the questions that people asked me with 100 per cent correction. I had no idea why I knew the answers, why I knew the information that I'm not supposed to know, but all popped into my head as if I knew for sure, without beating about the bush. FYR, I don't want to guess why this dream and what it may deal with, I'll let the sleeping dog lie, so to say (it may be because of too much listening to 'Madness' by Muse, the song I'm hooked on atm). I want to believe, though, it is a very good sign ;) Have you ever had dream similar to mine?
Speaking of good things, holidays are coming closer, and I grow excited by the day, never been so itchy^^ Hopefully, celebration and further days off would pass just as wonderfully as my current mood. I found 2 pictures
on Pinterest that totally describe my bubbletude ;)
Today's night with s/o was perfect, without fights or misunderstanding, with LOTS of cuddling and kisses, which is quite a rare thing, so yeah you could say one of the
best dates of 2012. We even went for a little walk granted the weather was quiet, purely winterish, windless, with crisp snow under feet and M&M's crunching in our mouths. I was wearing a new white fur coat, black pencil skirt, black tights, and my new high black boots with pom-poms; my hair was loose with a jewelry butterfly headband. On top of that, and this is the key factor, I felt well, no pain or discomfort, so no wonder the evening turned out so good ;)
I just tried on my new sparkling dress I bought for New Year night; it used to fit tight but after a workweek of 'hungry afternoons' fits fine, swimming helps too. I'm glad I bought it, I call it
snakeskin dress but will show you later, do don't forget to check out my blog in a week or so.