Day 178 - Weight loss - Miranda Kerr Anorexic?

Day 178 - eating too many cookies these days. At work, with each cup of green tea (and I drink around 5 or 6 cups). Not only this, I drink coffee with cream and sugar, and besides, ate 2 hotdogs. Can you imagine? I eat bread! And sugar! And marmalade! And mayo! Damn. I guess if I go on like this my 45 won't stay for long ;( At least I've cut on chocolate and cheese, and eat porridge for breakfast instead of meat, and no black tea, and late-night snacking.
Say what? Miranda Kerr got tagged as anorexic on weheartit? hahaha No seriously, then what would they call me?
Eww, somehow, I'm sweating and in a real need of a wash-up, it's a strangely tiresome day today.
I'm in love with Tumblr. Among all the sites I've tried, LJ and Tumblr are my total fav's. Very simple and easily customizable, and I loved it yet more until they goddamn deleted my acc!

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