Day 178 - eating too many cookies these days. At work, with each cup of green tea (and I drink around 5 or 6 cups). Not only this, I drink coffee with cream and sugar, and besides, ate 2 hotdogs. Can you imagine? I eat bread! And sugar! And marmalade! And mayo! Damn. I guess if I go on like this my 45 won't stay for long ;( At least I've cut on chocolate and cheese, and eat porridge for breakfast instead of meat, and no black tea, and late-night snacking.
Say what? Miranda Kerr got tagged as anorexic on weheartit? hahaha No seriously, then what would they call me?
Eww, somehow, I'm sweating and in a real need of a wash-up, it's a strangely tiresome day today.
I'm in love with Tumblr. Among all the sites I've tried, LJ and Tumblr are my total fav's. Very simple and easily customizable, and I loved it yet more until they goddamn deleted my acc!
Say what? Miranda Kerr got tagged as anorexic on weheartit? hahaha No seriously, then what would they call me?
Eww, somehow, I'm sweating and in a real need of a wash-up, it's a strangely tiresome day today.
I'm in love with Tumblr. Among all the sites I've tried, LJ and Tumblr are my total fav's. Very simple and easily customizable, and I loved it yet more until they goddamn deleted my acc!